Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thanks for participating

Here we are. Our poem on blog-stalking. You'll notice I took some poetic license with some of these, modified Rhett's line to be the title and cut Cameron's line into two separate lines and cut Jane's in half. And then the first line was given to me involuntarily by Pete. It's the first thing he said to me this morning on Google Talk.

What She Said
by Rhett, Pete, Ilene, Jane, Guy, Hilda, Steph and Cameron

Your poem post made me sad
But my mind is too warped to comment
I would be here when you wanted me
I wish I had something better

But my mind is too warped to comment
Come out from behind those bushes!
I wish I had something better
I am only wearing my watch

Come out from behind those bushes!
Ah, but who is reading you?
I am only wearing my watch
You should be flattered -- not offended

Ah, but who is reading you?
I would be here when you wanted me
You should be flattered -- not offended
Your poem post made me sad


  1. Ok now that was pretty cool!

  2. I feel like I need to keep re-reading it to find all the layers of meaning. And then write a paper.

    Very cool.

  3. This is fabulous. I'm with Ilene. You could totally write a thesis on this puppy.o

  4. I'm sad I missed out on this little project.

  5. It was like renga, where each participating poet has to add a line or a stanza in turn. The Japanese have rules (like at least two lines about flowers & one about the moon). Maybe next time you'll want to add some requirements. Much fun.

  6. Awesome! I kinda feel like a poet now.

  7. Fantastic stuff. Can you bring the flatware & silver bowl to church on Sunday? That'd be great. Thx.

  8. It's as if you knew exactly what I was thinking! Fantastic poem


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